RDO stands for Revenue District Office, a division within the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) responsible for maintaining records of taxpayers within their jurisdiction.
I don’t have a TIN (Tax Identification Number) yet. Does it mean I don’t have an RDO?
If you have not been employed or have not applied for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the past, your information is not held by any BIR RDO. In such instances, you can obtain your TIN along with the Certificate of Registration (COR) as a freelancer.
I have already worked / I’m currently working / I have a TIN already, how would I know where my RDO is?
You can find your RDO code by checking any BIR forms you possess. Yet, it's worth noting that not all BIR forms display your RDO code. If you encounter this issue, you can verify your RDO code using the feature on the BIR website or by visiting the nearest BIR office.
I already know my RDO but why do I need to transfer it?
Under Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 37-2019 from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), freelancers must obtain a Certificate of Registration (COR) by applying at the Revenue District Office (RDO) overseeing their place of residence after transferring their files successfully.