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  • 50- Minute Classes - (Skype)
    Make sure that the 2 reservations belong to one student. (Check the Student ID). 2 Ready Buttons The student wants a break: Example: 7:00- 7:25- SACHI 7:30-7:55- SACHI 7:25 - End the Call Click the ready button for the 2nd reservation. Make a lesson report for the 1st class. 7:29:30- Call the Student Again The student chose not to have a break: Example: 7:00-7:25- SACHI 7:30-7:55- SACHI 7:25- Don't end the Call Click the ready button for the 2nd reservation 7:50- End the Call Finish 2 Lesson Reports.
  • 50- Minute Classes - (Zoom)
    Make sure that the 2 reservations belong to one student (Check the Student ID). 2 Ready Buttons 2 Zoom Rooms The student wants a break: Example: 7:00- 7:25- SACHI 7:30-7:55- SACHI 7:25- End the Call Click the ready button for the 2nd reservation. Make the lesson report for the second class. 7:29:30- Enter the room for the second class. The student chose not to have a break: Example: 7:00-7:25- SACHI 7:30-7:55- SACHI 7:25- Ask the student to enter the new room immediately. Click "end the meeting for all" the current meeting room. Click the ready button of the next class. Enter the new room for the 2nd class 7:50- End the call Finish 2 Lesson Reports.
  • Reminder for Giving Corrections
    REMINDERS! - Type the corretions/ guides/definitions in the chat except when the student request you not to. (Not typed= not valid for the lesson report) - Avoid mimicking your student's mispronounciation. - Practice twice only. Do not dwell on one correction. Grammar Corrections Format: Incorrect Phrase/ Sentence → Correct Phrase/ Sentence Pronounciation Corrections Format: Word [Pronounciation Guide] Vocabulary Noted Format: Word= Part of Speech= Definition
  • Technical Issues
    2-Minute Rule for Technical Issues If you get disconnected during the lesson because of: Internet Outage/ Blackout Computer Trouble Skype Problem Inform TMD Immediately Do a Speedtest and send the result to TMD During Lesson Time. Always wait for confirmation regarding the next step. You'll be given 2 minutes to Troubleshoot.
  • Connection Issues and Once Resolved
    Choppy/ Unstable Connection Steps: Ask permission from the student to turn off your camera. If still not okay: Ask the student to turn off his/her camera. Call the student back. If still not okay: Ask the student to call you instead. (Skype) If still unresoved, contact TMD right away. (For Zoom Lessons, please check the Zoom Guidelines). Ready your speedtest result. Follow TMD's Advice. Once the connection is back. Go Invisible Coordinate with TMD Wait for TMD's Advice
  • Equipment Issue (Headset)
    Student Can't Hear You or Vice Versa Steps: Check your Equipment. Ask the student to check his/ her equipment. If still unresolved, contact TMD immediately.
  • Equipment Issue (Webcam)
    Student used Webcam but Didn't Show his/her Face Steps: 1. Do not force the student to turn on his/ her web camera. - Assess the situation. Judge carefully. If the stusent seems threatening, continue with the next steps. 2. Verbally ask the student to adjust the camera to show his/ her face. Help them adjust if you must. 3. If the student didn't respond, send the Japanese message from the Standard Messages tab titled "If the student doesn't want to show his/her face on camera even after verbal atttempt. 4. If you feel threatened, by what the student is showing, take a screenshot then end the call. Send the screenshot to TMD as proof.
  • Approved Equipments: Do's and Don'ts
    Approved Equipment for Teaching When you want to upgrade your equipment for teaching, coordinate with TMD and have a system check first before opening classes. Never use the Following in Teaching: Mobile Data through mobile tethering Any Prepaid Internet Connection Condenser Mic A Different Teaching Area Apart form the one Checked by Training Department.
  • General Troubleshooting Protocol
    Some Troubleshooting Tips for the Student. Important NOTE: Advise only if your line has been checked by TMD. Never Intruct the Student right away to Contact Support. This is the link for General Troubleshooting Protocol (CLICK HERE)
  • Cancelling Lessons
    Inform TMD ASAP. Noy Informing TMD is NCNS. You Can: Send a Skype Message. Send an SMS. Call the office (Landline/Mobile)
  • Transferred Lessons
    Apologize! Tutor: "_____-san, I am sorry but Tutor _______ can't teach you tonight. Is it okay if I will be your teacher?"
  • If the Student didn't Choose any Texts
    Confirm! Ask the student what text he/she would like to study.
  • Student Calls you before the Lesson Time (Skype Lesson Only)
    Don't answer and send a message. "I'm sorry, I can't answer your call. But I will see you in a little while. Let's start at (Lesson time)."
  • Student Calls you after the 10-minute waiting time
    You can ANSWER or IGNORE. If Ignored: Stay Invisible Go back online after Lesson Time Follow the Protocol for Absent Students. (Absent rate: P30.00) If Answered: Go Online End on time, don't extend In your lesson report, choose "attendance." Put in the tutor's notes what time the student calles. (Regualr Rate). *For Zoom, please refer to Zoom Protocol Manual. (CLICK HERE).
  • Situation During Classes (Skype)
    Can't Find the Students Account (Skype Lessons Only) Check the Important Notices from Admin, if it allows you to click the skype button without chatting TMD. If there is no such message, contact TMD immediately. Offline/ Invisible Students-Skype Lessons You Still need to call. Don't wait for the student to go online before calling. The Student Cannot See the messages you Typed Check if the student has already accepted your invitation. If not, tell the student to add you. If after 1 minute; the student still hasn't added you. Call the student back. Determine the need for a chat box. a. If just for corrections- proceed with the class. Just give corrections slowly instead. b. If needed to continue with the lesson, contact TMD immediately.
  • Troubleshooting Protocol for the Student's Problem
    Toubleshooting Protocol for the Student's Problem Inform TMD and send the speedtest (Tokyo server) immediately. Wait for the TMD's advice and follow it accordingly. The Tutor MUST wait in the meeting room until the end of the Lesson Time and keep TMD posted. NOTE: The Tutor still needs to use Skype messages to contact TMD even with Zoom Classes.
  • Student Can't See the Chat Box- Skype
    Student Can't See the Chat Box Use the basic shape and color as a description. Make sure you've already sent a message.
  • Student Can't See the Chat Box- Zoom
    Student Can't See the Chat Box Use the term speech bubble or conversation icon as a description. Ensure that your message has been sent.
  • Situation During Class- Zoom
    Lesson Protocol - Zoom Lessons The Tutor must be in the meeting room 30 seconds before the lesson time. (NOTE: TMD can monitor if the tutor enters the meeting room late.) NO Standard messages are to be sent to the student for Zoom Classes. The Tutor MUST wait for the student in the Meeting Room until the 10th minute of the Lesson Time. (NOTE: the student can enter room 3 mins before the Lesson Time.) Consecutive Lesson- ZOOM Lesson After the first half of the Lesson, you need to inform the student that you will end the meeting and advise your student to re-enter for the second half. (NOTE: Click "END MEETING FO ALL"). You can re-enter using the zoom link for the 2nd half of the class which can be found after clicking the ready button. REASON: This is due to Zoom's System Update that after 40 mins, the call will be disconnected. Troubleshooting Protocol for Tutors In any case of trouble, tutors are required to report to TMD in real-time, NOT AFTER THE CLASS. First, send a messages to TMD via SKYPE, not via Zoom. The Tutor MUST run a speedtest (using the tokyo Server) and send it to TMD. Speedtests must be conducted during the lesson time, otherwise, the results will be considered invalid. The Tutor will be asked to call TMD to check their line (via ZOOM). This is important so we can establish that you have a stable connection. If the Tutor is still talking with the student, he/she must excuse himself/herself from the student. NOTE: If the Tutor leaves the meeting room for the test call, he/she will still be able to enter the meeting room again after using the ZOOM LOGO on the student's information page again. This will only work if it's within the Lesson Time.
  • Sending Pictures- Zoom Lessons
    When sending reference pictures, please COPY and PASTE the image then send it into the chat box.

Tutor's Guidebook 

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