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Learn with Unhoop: Expand your vocabulary with these fascinating words!

A stock photo of a dictionary entry for the word "dictionary."

Level up your vocabulary by learning these new words!

  1. absquatulate [ab-SKWOCH-uh-leyt] (verb): to leave abruptly or without saying goodbye

    He decided to absquatulate from the party without telling anyone.

  2. Elysian [ih-LIZH-uhn] (adjective): relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise

    The hotel's interior looks elegant due to its Elysian design.

  1. petrichor [PET-ri-kawr] (noun): the smell produced when rain falls on dry ground, usually experienced as being pleasant

    The soothing petrichor brought back fond memories of my childhood.

  1. ephemeral [ih-FEM-er-uhl] (adjective): something that lasts for a very short time

    My dad's singing career was rather ephemeral, as he focused on working full-time as an engineer.

  1. ethereal [ih-THEER-ee-uhl] (adjective): extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world

    The figure skater's ethereal movements wowed everyone in the audience.

  1. seraphic [si-RAF-ik] (adjective): beautiful in a way that suggests that someone is morally good and pure

    The artist's seraphic smile radiated warmth and kindness.

  1. eloquence [EL-uh-kwuhns] (noun): the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness

    The leader was admired for his eloquence in speeches.

  1. sonder [SON-der] (noun): the feeling one has on realizing that every other individual one sees has a life as full and real as one’s own, in which they are the central character and others, including oneself, have secondary or insignificant roles

    Experiencing sonder helps us feel more empathetic towards others.

  1. syzygy [SIZ-uh-jee] (noun): the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (such as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system

    During a total lunar eclipse, the moon is in syzygy with the Earth and the sun.

  1. collywobbles [KOL-ee-wob-uhlz] (noun): a feeling of fear, apprehension, or nervousness

    I always get the collywobbles before a job interview.

We hope you find these words useful! Which words will you use in a sentence in your lessons?

*Definitions are sourced from Cambridge Dictionary and

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